(507) 413-2027
My Profession of Faith
I would like to share my personal story with you not only due to the day at hand but also the time which I have been allowed to live around you and others. It is easy for me to tell my story because one day I will be with my Lord and He will welcome me home. I have had a very bumpy road and I can say without hesitation the road would not have been near as bumpy had I only listened and obeyed that which is found in the Word and as God had instructed me to follow. I have been very angry with God and his people and yet He never turned His back on me. Yes, others have, but God never did. I have walked away from the church and God but a few faithful men, a very dear faithful wife, and my Lord and Savior never let me get too far out there. I hope you picked up on something I just shared. God is my Savior but later in life He became Lord of my life. I don’t consider myself to be religious according to today’s society. I am, though, a born again Christian and I will make all effort to live by Scripture standards. You see, religious to me is being like the Pharisees and Sadducees and the high priest we find in the Bible. So corrupt of themselves, empty with life and so many laws and rules of works and easily persuaded to obtain their lust and desires. I hope God Blesses you as you read on and may you have the same opportunities to fall in agape (unconditional love ) with my Lord.
More on my Faith
These are questions I have been asked over time – please read ahead.
When and how did you come to faith in Christ as your Savior?
As the pastor was bringing service to a close he stated “is there anyone who wants to receive Christ? At that moment my heart leaped and I whispered into my father’s ear, “How do I get Jesus into my heart?” He told me to go talk to the pastor. So out of the chair and down to front (altar) I went and shared with Dr. Carver (pastor) that I wanted to invite Jesus into my heart. He led me through the salvation prayer. At the age of 7, I had confessed my sin (Adam/man born into) and sins (flesh/mine, that’s only for the pastor to hear, not daddy) then asked Christ (with my whole heart, mind and spirit) for Jesus to come live in my heart and HE did. I was so excited at that time and even to this very moment. I had a number of counseling visits with my pastor and sometime after these meetings with him I was baptized by immersion. I got me all wet. “…no man or other are/is able to pluck me out of my Heavenly Father’s hand” Jn 10: 28-30.
Upon what scripture/s do you base your assurance of salvation?
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Which means any one little or big shall-nots could not be overlooked. I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I have not perfected righteousness yet but with His covering, I’m covered. II Corinthians 5: 17-18, “17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (It matters not anymore of my past, it is gone, and every day I am all new in His peace. )18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;” - “God is in the reconciliation business!”
Have you been baptized since you became a Christian?
Yes. The scripture is full of many being baptized. For example: Matt. 3:6, Acts 2:38, Acts 8:12 But as I have read and learned from the scriptures and by experience baptism (getting wet) is not salvation but baptism by water is an act of obedience to the Lord’s command. Now baptism of the heart and by fire is whole different topic.
Do I believe in the Bible teachings?
Absolutely, and without question, I want live long enough to understand the width, depth and length of the scriptures. But I know this, thank God, God wrote it because man can miss things up real fast.
Do you endeavor to have:
Daily Bible readying: Yes
Daily prayer: Yes
Family worship: Yes
Is your purpose to live daily to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to control your life?
In so far as possible will you endeavor to be faithful in attending worship, prayer services and other ministries of the church which will help you grow spiritually?
Yes and when I am not the pastor still, yes.
Will you serve to the best of your ability when called upon to serve Christ/His church?
I do, but I am not committed to the church first I am committed to Christ first with all my heart, strength and soul shall I work at surrendering.
Will you give regularly and proportionately to the Lord’s work as He prospers you and as He leads me?
As we have learned many times none of this is my stuff and when I die none of it will go with me. Mark 4: 23 ff, I personally believe in equal sacrifices, absolutely. Luke 12:48 … Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.
What scripture/s would you like to memorize and why?
John 14 – 17, I have never found a scripture to be boring or out dated. I have always found Gods Word alive, breathing and moving, the only living document. No matter how many times I read it. I noticed new depths and meaning I never saw before. It is a book that will never lead you astray. John 14 – 17 is Jesus speaking directly to me and every time I read it, it moves me more than before. I have learned much as I study it and wow there is so much more to know.
Personal Comment:
I have a reason to why teach/study/preach and work the way I do.
My Understanding and Commitment to the Lord
I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
I have Holy Spirit Power, the die has been cast.
I’ve stepped over the line, the decision has been made.
I’m a disciple of His.
I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secured.
I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, small plannings, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame vision, mundane talking, chintzy giving and dwarf goals.
I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, positions, promotions, or popularity.
I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded.
I now live by presence, lean by faith, love by patience, lift by prayer, labor by power.
My faith is set, my goal is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few. My God is reliable, my mission clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won’t give up, shut up, let up, or burn up, till I preach up, prayed up, paid up, store up for the cause of Christ.
I’m a disciple of Jesus, I must go until He comes, give until I drop. Preach until all know, and work till he stops, and when He comes to get His own, He’ll have not problem recognized me.
by Dr. Neil Anderson
Lord, help me to remember with William Booth,
“The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender"
covenant with Jonathan Edwards,
“I have this day been before God and have given myself – all that I have and am – to God; so that I am in no respect my own. I have given myself clean away.”
confess with David Livinstone,
“I will place no value on anything I have or may possess except in relation to the kingdom of Christ.”
recognized with Allan Redpath that
“before we can pray, “Thy Kingdom come,’ we must pray, ‘My kingdom go.’
reaffirm with William Temple,
“Christianity is the total commitment of all I know of me to all I know of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord Bless you